Health Benefits of Black Tea

The health benefits of black tea include beneficial impacts for high cholesterol, diarrhea, tooth decay, low-concentration levels, digestive problems, poor blood circulation, high blood pressure, and asthma. Black tea is one of the most popular teas known to man, and is well known for its medicinal qualities and health benefits.

The various health benefits of black tea have been widely accepted and embraced all over the world. Tea is one of the most beloved drinks or beverages in the world. Tea grows from the plant named Camellia Sinensis. Most countries prefer black tea to green tea. The difference between black tea and green or white tea is the way that it is processed.

During the processing stage, black tea is fermented and oxidized, which gives it the unique color, flavor, and health benefits that are so widely known. On the other hand, green tea and white tea are not fermented.

Nutritional Value of Black Tea

If you enjoy the flavor of black tea, you also have a choice to consume it in a variety of ways. Chinese people add sweetening agents, spices, chocolate, or even rare herbs while brewing black tea. In India, milk and sugar is normally added to black tea. Some people also add various herbs including ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, lemon grass, mulethi, or holy basil (tulsi).

Plain black tea is rich in antioxidants known as polyphenols and also has minimal contents of sodium, proteins, and carbohydrates. According to Boston’s School of Medicine, black tea reverses the abnormal functioning of blood vessels, which may lead to strokes and other cardiovascular conditions.

Health Benefits of Black Tea

Black tea is known for its curative qualities and other health benefits. Some of them are as follows:

Heart Ailments: The regular consumption of black tea can help repair coronary artery dysfunctions in many heart patients. Therefore, black tea drinkers are at a decreased risk of contracting many cardiovascular diseases.

Diarrhea: Black tea has a healing effect on intestinal disorders due to the presence of tannins. It is advisable for all diarrhea patients to sip plain, black tea slowly for maximum benefits.

Asthma: Hot and brewed liquids, in general, bring relief to asthmatic conditions. In light of that fact, it is no surprise that black tea is extremely beneficial for asthmatic patients, as it expands the air passage, thereby allowing patients to breathe more easily.

Digestive Problems: Black tea is rich in abundant tannins and other chemicals that have a positive and relaxing effect on the digestive system of human body. This anti-inflammatory quality of black tea is also helpful for curing digestive disorders.

High Cholesterol: According to a study conducted by the American Heart Association in New Orleans, people who consume black tea can reduce their bad cholesterol levels, which are responsible for heart strokes and fatal attacks. It has also been found that people who drink 3 to 4 cups of black tea every day are at a lower risk for heart problems than those who consume minimal amounts or no tea at all.

Breast Cancer: Drinking tea, either black or green varieties, aids women in preventing cancerous growth in the breasts, especially women in the pre-menopausal phase. Tea assists in raising the level of globulin hormones during the female menstrual cycle periods. The presence of theaflavins in black tea destroys abnormal cells in the body before they cause any major damage or change into cancerous cells.

Thus, you can see that drinking black tea is equally beneficial for health as drinking green tea. Almost 80% of humans consume black tea. It is readily available and you can choose from hundreds of flavors and mixtures on the market. If you go anywhere in the world, you are sure to be offered black tea as an option for a stimulating and refreshing beverage.
Recent medical research suggests that the compounds found in black tea, namely theaflavins and thearubigens, are positively loaded with health benefits, in addition to giving the tea its dark color and unique flavor.

So, go ahead, enjoy that freshly brewed hot cup of black tea and stay healthy all your life!
Note: Many people have the habit of drinking black tea 4-5 times a day. They get so addicted to tea that if they skip it even once from their routine schedule, they may suffer from headaches the next day.

Black tea is also known to cause acidity issues in the stomach. Therefore, do not get addicted to black tea. Furthermore, avoid drinking tea after lunch or dinner, as it may lead to poor digestion, whereas at other points in the day, it can promote healthy digestion.
