Treatment Strategies For Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes affects millions of people around the world, so having a clear picture of the symptoms and potential treatment options for this disorder is important, including the use of honey, avocado, goldenseal, red clover, dietary restrictions, regular checkups and lifestyle changes, among others.
Type 1 Diabetes
By definition, Type 1 diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterized by unusually high levels of blood sugar in the body. Type 2 diabetes is a much more common form, and can be brought on by lifestyle, obesity and other factors, Type 1 does not have a clear cause. Instead, it appears in most cases to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors that prevent your body from producing insulin in the pancreas. More than 50 genes are associated with Type 1 diabetes in varied ways, making it difficult to determine a precise genetic pattern or cause. Many experts consider Type 1 diabetes to be the ultimate result of an autoimmune response from your own body. Without insulin being produced by the body, blood sugar levels cannot be modulated, and these fundamental energy packets cannot be distributed throughout your organ systems.

Some of the earliest signs and symptoms of Type 1 diabetes (and thus high blood sugar) include excessive urination, constant thirst, hunger, exhaustion, blurred vision and unexplained weight loss. If you notice any combination of these symptoms, you should get yourself checked by a doctor immediately. Most people experience a rapid onset of Type 1 diabetes symptoms, over the course of days or even weeks, and there is no known cure. Lifelong insulin injections to do the job of the failed beta cells in the pancreas are the most common treatment and management method. However, there are a number of lifestyle changes and natural remedies that can significantly moderate the symptoms and help sufferers live a more normal life. Now, let’s look a bit closer at some of these treatments for Type 1 diabetes.

Treatment Strategies For Type 1 Diabetes

Quit SmokingThere may not be a cure for Type 1 diabetes, but there are a number of ways to effectively treat it and mitigate its effects. Smoking can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke in diabetic patients by almost 3 times, so if you do consume tobacco products, consider quitting to avoid that heightened risk. Diabetes affects many different parts of your body, and any additional stress or carcinogen deposition can complicate the disorder.
Avocado: Early studies on avocado have shown that the nutrient-rich extract from avocado can measurable reduce blood sugar in the body, and this is believed to be due to the rejuvenation of islet cells in the pancreas that produce insulin. While this is still undergoing testing, it does show promising results for a reversal or serious moderation of the symptoms of Type 1 diabetes. If you weren’t eating avocados before, perhaps you should start!
Dietary Restrictions: Aside from a rather long list of food and herbs that you should add to your diet, there is also quite a bit you should eliminate. This includes the close limiting of carbohydrates, particularly simple sugars. When these basic sugars are broken down into the body, they cause a rapid spike in blood sugar that your body cannot naturally handle. By keeping your carbohydrate intake under control, you are better able to manage fluctuating blood sugar and the consequent symptoms.
Red Clover: The biggest problem with Type 1 diabetes is the inability to cure the disease, since it is typically caused by the destruction of the key beta cells in the pancreas that can produce insulin. However, red clover, a relatively unknown herb, has a compound called genistein that can stimulate the regrowth and protection of pancreatic beta cells, allowing your body to produce some of the insulin it needs.
Regular Checkups: Whenever you are struggling through a health crisis, it can often be easier to pretend it doesn’t exist than face the frightening reality, but regular checkups if you suffer from Type 1 diabetes are essential. Diabetes can have a number of different long-term side effects, including vision and circulation problems. In addition to your annual health checkup, you should have individual exams specifically looking for diabetic complications, and possibly adjust your treatment regimen accordingly.
Honey: Although most people think of honey as a sweet flavoring agent that may not be the best for blood sugar levels, the sugars in honey are actually complex carbohydrates, which do not break down as easily. Furthermore, the rich density of nutrients, antioxidants and organic compounds in honey have been linked to the rejuvenation of pancreatic beta cells, meaning that your body could begin making insulin again.
Lifestyle Changes: Exercising more and living less of a sedentary lifestyle is important if you want to moderate the symptoms of Type 1 diabetes. Obesity, cardiovascular issues and high blood pressure are all associated with diabetes, but if you can stimulate your metabolism and keep your body running at a higher level, you are far more likely to enjoy a longer, more active life with diabetes.
Goldenseal: As an herbal remedy for Type 1 diabetes, few things are better than goldenseal, which possesses an active ingredient, named berberine, which has been directly linked to the production of pancreatic beta cells, the lack of which is the fundamental cause of this metabolic disorder.
Nigella Sativa: A slightly more obscure herb, but powerful and respected around the globe, nigella sativa is often called “black seed”, but has a number of unique properties. It can not only stimulate the regrowth of those beta cells in the pancreas, but also improve the function of existing ones, making this both a preventative measure and a treatment option.
Lower Stress: High anxiety and stress levels can wreak havoc on the body, causing elevated blood pressure, sleeplessness, poor metabolism, depression, unpredictable eating habits and a weakened immune system. When compounded with diabetes, chronic stress can be downright deadly, particularly with such a varied and dangerous set of side effects. Use techniques like yoga, acupuncture, meditation, massage, breathing techniques and regular exercise to keep your stress levels down and ensure that your body has a fighting chance to perform normally, despite the diabetes.
Final Word of Warning: While many of these home remedies can help lessen the symptoms of Type 1 diabetes, this is a lifelong disease with no known cure. Regular injections of insulin will likely remain a necessary part of your life. However, these treatment suggestions are complementary lifestyle and dietary tips that should fit within the treatment framework laid out by your doctor.
